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If the argument is that demonetisation stemmed the loss of support to the Modi government, we have yet to see any empirical validation of it.2L crore, one would expect proper arrangements would have been made to replace what was now excluded. He went public and acknowledged responsibility. It just proves that new money too turns as easily into black money as the old money and nothing has changed.Out of the Rs 14. Clearly, the government was unprepared. Even if not educated in the conventional sense, seeking many options from a deep examination of the issue by the knowledgeable is a quality essential for successful leadership. The resultant cashlessness has غير مجاز مي باشدt the national economy hugely, and devastated the livelihoods of tens of millions. So what was the hullabaloo about?That demonetisation exacted a huge economic is without doubt. Rammanohar Reddy, a former editor of the respected Economics and Political Weekly, popularly referred to as EPW, wrote his book Demonetisation and Black Money before the UP elections. But greatness lies in admitting mistakes and learning from them. Even the citations are mostly from official documentation.

Its utility and relevance will be undiminished even after the after effects of demonetisation recede from our memories.It is an irrefutably factual and cold analysis of what led to the Modi demonetisation and its economic consequences.In 1961 the newly elected US President, the brilliantly educated John F.JFK had assembled the brightest men in America to be part of his cabinet, advisors and aides.8L crores have come back into the system. But, Reddy gets back his cold tenor when he sums up: “The story of demonetisation and its a ftermath, in the first two months after the event has been one of unremitting pain and hardship inflicted on the people who could not escape its impact. The UP election was not fought over demonetisation. Kennedy, agreed to the disastrous invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs Crisis.7 per cent in 2017. That they may have borne it stoically does not mean that their suffering was any less. Rammanohar Reddy Orient BlackSwan, Rs 295; 272 pagesHistory is replete with instances when acting out of pique or haste inflicts hugets on a nation. Yet, they led him into a disaster. Even the most ardent Modi admirers admit to that.It is to the writer’s credit that he does not let any biases creep in — the EPW after all does have a certain editorial political slant — and keeps the focus tightly on the subject.The writer, a policy analyst studying economic and security issues, held senior positions in government and industry.It has everything one could or should want to know about demonetisation in general and the impact of how it was implemented by the Modi government.

The PM made out that demonetisation was going to mean the extinguishing of “black money” and all that wouldn’t be returned to banks would be its bonus.I have described it elsewhere as a singular act of vandalism. This entails wisdom.” (P.” Closer home, the great Ladakh king, Senge Namgyal (1620-70), imposed a punitive tax on the pashm wool trade between Tibet and Kashmir, which largely went by the shortest route through Ladakh, in response to a slight by the ruler of Kashmir. The apprehension of hundreds of crores in new pink Rs 2,000s from all across the country by the police as well as the I-T authorities within weeks of outlawing the Rs 1,000 and Rs 500 notes is enough proof of that.The apparent unpreparedness and haste in rolling out the GST is indicative of this. What does this indicate? One cannot claim any accretion of support due to demonetisation. Neither was borne out.When you abruptly withdraw high denomination currency notes equal to 86 per cent of the value or Rs 14. There is not even the slightest sign that Narendra Modi has realised the massive screw-up his demonetisation policy has turned out to be. It’s a book every student and practitioner of economics and public policy must read.. This may or may not be so. Ladakh never recovered from the loss of revenue. The pashm then began flowing to Ludhiana and helped it to become the great centre for the manufacture of woolens it still is. But, instead of wisdom, there is much vaingloriousness in the PM’s style of decision-making that crimps discussion and examination of alternatives.

He marches merrily on. The Act had the side-effect of prohibiting nearly all US exports and most imports, greatly disrupting the US economy.C. But, most commentators and opinion makers have read in the results of the UP elections that there is popular support for demonetisation. The book is extremely clinical in its diagnosis and conclusions.124)This as much a book about an event as it is about economic and monetary policy and the institutional framework they operate in. Its vote share declined somewhat to 39. Kennedy realised he was taken in and was the one responsible. It was over the usual reasons — caste equations and local politics being the main focus.2L crores in high denomination notes Rs 13. This means this much good, bad and fake money was successfully exchanged.The decision by the government to strip 86 per cent of the currency in circulation of its status as legal tender, followed by restrictions on withdrawals from banks and then the general shortage of cash, deeply hurt people at different levels and Custom din7985 Manufacturers in different dimensions.

It had very few Rs 2,000 or Rs 500 notes rolling out of its security presses, and no additional small value notes to pick up the slack somewhat. In 2014, the BJP had a 42 per cent vote share.Demonetisation and Black Money By C. There is not even the slightest sign of remorse or that he has learned anything. The Embargo Act of 1807 was passed by the United States Congress in protest against British and French interference in US shipping.It is a carefully researched and scholarly work that also has a guide like quality as it simplifies a very widely and frequently discussed subject — the issue of black money. He once said at dinner with them that not since Thomas Jefferson dined alone had the White House seen so much brilliance, intelligence and wit. He exclaimed in public: “How could I have been so stupid?” Leaders are not immune to stupidity or else they would not be human. The only time when some emotion creeps in is in chapter nine on Distress and Despair where Reddy juxtaposes anecdotal newspaper reports on individual and collective distress. He also specialises in the Chinese economy.

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[ ۲۶ بهمن ۱۴۰۱ ] [ ۰۳:۳۰:۲۴ ] [ ]

The protests were sparked by opposition to a plan to allow extraditions to the mainland, but have since morphed into a wider call for democratic rights in the semi-autonomous city. Battles between police firing tear gas and rubber bullets -- and hardcore protesters using rocks, Molotov cocktails and slingshots -- have since become routine in a city once renowned for its stability. Billed as a "rational, non-violent" protest, it is being organised by the Civil Human Rights Front, a group that eschews confrontations with police and was the driving force behind record-breaking rallies in June and July that saw hundreds of thousands of people hit the streets.A day later the "Big Four" accountancy firms scrambled to distance themselves from a advert placed in a newspaper purportedly by employees saying they supported the protests. Beijing has turned the screws on Hong Kongs Custom wood screw businesses, pressuring them to toe the line and condemn the protesters.Under a deal signed with Britain, authoritarian China agreed to allow Hong Kong to keep its unique freedoms when it was handed back in 1997.

On Tuesday, protesters blocked passengers from boarding flights at the city's airport and later assaulted two men they accused of being Chinese spies.During smaller protest marches on Saturday -- which ended without the kind of largescale clashes that have become so commonplace each weekend -- many protesters chanted "See you in Victoria Park!" as they left the streets.Hong Kong democracy activists are hoping to get out a huge crowd later Sunday in a bid to show the city's leaders that their protest movement remains defiant despite increasingly stark warnings from Beijing.China's propaganda apparatus seized on the violence, with state media churning out a deluge of damning articles, pictures and videos.In the last two months millions of people have hit the streets while clashes have broken out between police and small groups of hardcore protesters.Clashes have broken out between police and hardcore protesters but the movement has won few concessions from Beijing or the city's unelected leadership.But protesters remain unbowed, despite the arrests of more than 700 people and 11 consecutive weekends of rallies that have won few concessions.

Defiant Hong Kong protesters vow huge rally despite Beijing threats.On Tuesday, protesters blocked passengers from boarding flights at city's airport and assaulted 2 men they accused of being Chinese spies.On Friday, Cathay Pacific announced the shock resignation of CEO Rupert Hogg after the carrier was excoriated by Beijing because some staff supported the pro-democracy protests.In the aftermath of Tuesday's airport chaos, some protester groups apologised and vowed to hold a huge rally on Sunday. Previous bans in recent weeks have simply been ignored by protesters and have soon led to clashes with riot police. But many Hong Kongers feel those freedoms are being eroded, especially since China's hardline president Xi Jinping came to power. State media also ran images of military personnel and armoured personnel carriers across the border in Shenzhen, prompting the United States to warn Beijing against sending in troops, which analysts say would be a reputational and economic disaster for China.

Hong Kong democracy activists are hoping to get out a huge crowd later Sunday in a bid to show the city's leaders that their protest movement remains defiant despite increasingly stark warnings from Beijing.The images damaged a campaign that until then had largely only targeted the police or government institutions, and prompted some soul-searching among protesters.Beyond suspending the extradition bill, Beijing and city leader Carrie Lam have shown no desire to meet key demands such as an inquiry into police violence, the complete withdrawal of the bill and an amnesty.Ten weeks of demonstrations have plunged the international finance hub into crisis and communist-ruled mainland China has taken an increasingly hardline tone, including labelling the more violent protester actions "terrorist-like". Police have given permission for the rally to go ahead but banned a proposed march.The park has long been used as the staging point for the city's years of democracy protests and will host Sunday's demonstration.

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[ ۲۶ بهمن ۱۴۰۱ ] [ ۰۳:۲۷:۵۱ ] [ ]

But users are out of luck if the object of their affection is “him” or “her.Alphabet Inc’s Google in May introduced a slick feature for Gmail that automatically completes sentences for users as they type.Gmail product manager Paul Lambert said a company research scientist discovered the problem in January when he typed “I am meeting an investor next week,” and Smart Compose suggested a possible follow-up question: “Do you want to meet him?” instead of “her.5 billion users, and Lambert said Smart Compose assists on 11 per cent of mesغير مجاز مي باشدes worldwide sent from Gmail. Men have long dominated fields such as finance and science, for example, so the technology would conclude from the data that an investor or engineer is “he” or “him.“Not all ‘screw-ups’ are equal,” Lambert said.Google’s decision to play it safe on gender follows some high-profile embarrassments for the company’s predictive technologies.

That service allows users to respond instantly to text mesغير مجاز مي باشدes and emails with short phrases such as “sounds good.Its technology cannot reliably determine in some documents which pronoun goes with which name.”Google’s technology will drywall screw not suggest gender-based pronouns because the risk is too high that its “Smart Compose” technology might predict someone’s *** or gender identity incorrectly and offend users, product leaders revealed to Reuters in interviews.Getting Smart Compose right could be good for business.The company’s new policy banning gendered pronouns also affected the list of possible responses in Google’s Smart Reply.”(Source). Gender is an “a big, big thing” to get wrong.“The only reliable technique we have is to be conservative,” said Prabhakar Raghavan, who oversaw engineering of Gmail and other services until a recent promotion.

“You need a lot of human oversight,” said engineering leader Raghavan, because “in each language, the net of inappropriateness has to cover something different. So the summary pulls several sentences to give users more context, said Mohamed AlTantawy, Agolo’s chief technology officer.”Yet, imperfections Inc opts for “she” for the same phrase on its translation service for cloud computing customers.A system shown billions of human sentences becomes adept at completing common phrases but is limited by generalities.”Consumers have become accustomed to embarrassing gaffes from autocorrect on smartphones.Alibaba and Amazon did not respond to requests to comment. So do translation tools from Alibaba and Microsoft Corp.Agolo, a New York startup that has received investment from Thomson Reuters, uses AI to summarise business documents.”

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[ ۱۵ آذر ۱۴۰۱ ] [ ۱۰:۲۹:۰۷ ] [ ]

Her new assignment will, of course, require more than a genteel formality and diplomatic etiquette.. It has been made clear that Ms Jaya will continue in this additional charge until a regular official is appointed.However, there are even bigger changes being effected in the Delhi government, which will likely impact 60-70 per cent of Delhi Administrative Subordinate Services (DASS) officers. There is relentless hard work behind the glitter.Ministry stands by babu, ignores tribal boardR.Protocol, as insiders point out, is a frontline tool of diplomacy — and much more than welcoming foreign dignitaries and showing them around.S. But, by all indications, she is prepared to be India’s voice on the world’s biggest diplomatic stage. It is the key to effective diplomacy — and not to be confused with grandeur, pomp and ceremony.What’s behind this major revamp? It seems that 70 per cent of officials have been serving in the same department for over five years. The guidelines of the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) state that officials on key posts should be moved every three years while others should be transferred after five years in a post.

However, given the sheer numbers involved, sources have told DKB that the transfers will likely be done in phases to avoid large-scale disruption of work. Besides, she will be returning to a place she is familiar with because previously in her career, she was assigned to India’s Permanent Mission to the UN. Sources have informed DKB that disciplinary proceedings have been initiated against the DANICS officers. This unanimous stance was conveyed to secretary of tribal affairs Anil Kumar Jha by the TRIFED chairperson, Ramsingh Rathwa. An Indian Foreign Service (IFS) officer from the 1987 batch, Ms Kamboj has a lot of expertise with political problems, maintaining peace, and handling crises.In this sense, Ruchira Kamboj is at a decided advantage at the UN as India’s ambassador, having met most global leaders when they visited India during her days as protocol in charge. Jaya, additional secretary, ministry of tribal affairs, will continue to hold additional charge of the Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Ltd (TRIFED) despite the unanimous decision of the Board of Directors of TRIFED to discontinue her services.

India’s representative to Bhutan, Ruchira Kamboj, is on her way to the United Nations to succeed T. Delhi babus ready themselves for massive reshuffleIn one of his first significant decisions since taking over, the new lieutenant governor of Delhi, Vinai Kumar Saxena, has ordered the suspension of P.The ministry’s stance should be shot in the arm for Ms Jaya, whose position had become shaky after the Board stated that it did not wish to continue with her as its managing director, after her alleged non-cooperation in implementing the Board’s decisions.While most diplomats usually work behind the scenes, as din7981 Screw Factory India’s Chief Protocol Officer — another first as she is the first Indian woman to occupy the position — Ms Kamboj had attracted public attention in a way that most diplomats don’t, during the swearing-in ceremony of Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2014, where several heads of state from SAARC nations and Mauritius were present.This decision comes days after the Delhi government transferred over 40 IAS and DANICS officers.But, to the surprise of many who expected Jaya to be divested of her additional charge, the ministry has ignored the Board’s drastic decision and chosen to stand firmly behind the babu.

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[ ۲۵ آبان ۱۴۰۱ ] [ ۰۳:۰۷:۱۸ ] [ ]

It was in the clinics where she began to hear the girls’ stories.”Snedaker said she suffered her concussions in a series of accidents, but has been lucky not to develop permanent symptoms.She founded her nonprofit advocacy group PINK Concussions in 2013 in response to what she discovered was a lack of information and research on female concussions.“We need more data collection. Doctors agree more research is needed on any gender differences and whether women experience more severe symptoms or take longer to recover.”Snedaker has sought to keep a light shining on the need for more research, better medical care, and more community support for girls and women with concussions and other China din7981 brain injuries suffered through sports, military service, domestic violence and accidents. Many shared similar stories of not healing as fast as people thought they should, doctors minimising their conditions and feeling isolated while recovering at home, she said.“It’s adjusting attitudes,” she said.”Snedaker, Kerr and other advocates and doctors are optimistic about a million, three-year study being done by the NCAA and the department of defence.

Other sources of her concussions include a car accident in college, being hit by a lacrosse ball, hitting her head on a door frame and slamming her head against a wall while flopping onto a bed, she said. “What I wanted to do was educate the public. Preliminary results are expected to be released in late January.A major impetus to Snedaker’s activism has been hearing stories in support groups and in surveys from women and girls suffering from concussions.“These are all total screw-up accidents,” she said. She has organised several conferences that have brought together medical experts and military leaders she has met, done dozens of media interviews, and launched a website — Pink Concussions — to share information.Hartford, Connecticut: Katherine Snedaker says she has had 20 concussions, the first three decades ago from a car accident when she was 16.“There’s a lot we don’t know,” said Snedaker, 49, a licenCed clinical social worker who gave up her regular job to advocate full-time at her own expense.She went on to start support groups and educational websites, as well as co-found and work in concussion clinics. But it wasn’t until her son suffered a series of concussions in the sixth grade, around 2008, that she felt compelled to learn all she could about head injuries to help him recover.

“What totally got me were these women who were isolated and alone.Dr Brian Hainline, chief medical officer of the NCAA, said it also will be the largest-ever study of female concussions.”“Katherine has done a lot of great work as an activist,” said Dr Zachary Kerr, an assistant professor in exercise and sport science at the University of North Carolina and former director of the NCAA’s injury surveillance programme. “It’s educating women.“There are all these different theories out there about why concussions are higher in women than in men, but we really don’t know why,” he said.“These girls had been cycled through the medical community and kind of spit out,” Snedaker said. She formed the group during a yearlong medical leave to treat breast cancer and while rebuilding her home, damaged by Superstorm Sandy.She has pledged to donate her brain to medical researchers when she dies.In March, Pink Concussions will hold its second annual international summit on female concussions and traumatic brain injuries; it will be hosted by the National Institutes of Health.We need more surveillance at all levels.

We need to get more information out there.Most research has focused on men, especially dozens of former football players who died from a degenerative brain disease that has been linked to concussions.During her journey of learning, she has become a nationally known advocate for better research, medical care, and support for girls and women with brain injuries, including concussions.Some studies show females suffer more concussions than males when playing similar sports. The results may lead to sports rule changes and international guidelines on prevention and treatment, he said.The study is billed as the largest ever of concussion in sports, involving more than 25,000 student athletes. Her son’s concussions, suffered in soccer, skateboarding and lacrosse, spurred her to research head injuries, contact experts and attend medical conferences.

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[ ۲۵ آبان ۱۴۰۱ ] [ ۰۳:۰۵:۰۰ ] [ ]

In a shocking incident, a 42-year-old woman and her 12-year-old daughter were beaten and stabbed to death at their apartment in a residential complex in Greater Noida on Tuesday, the police said on Wednesday. The police are searching for him, SHO Bisrakh Ajay Sharma said. The police said that the 15-year-old son of the woman, who is missing after incident, is a suspect in the case.“The door was locked when the police reached the apartment.“The husband had called last night after he could not contact his wife.

The official said that the bodies were found wrapped in a blanket by a police team that entered the apartment by breaking its lock.The police is investigating all possible angles, the officer said.It seems, there were only three persons present in the apartment during the incident, the deceased and the boy, the SHO said.Robbery cannot be ruled out, but whether it took place can be ascertained when the apartments owner returns and checks for missing items, the SSP said.The police said that CCTV camera footage showed that the woman and her daughter had gone out at 7:15 pm on Monday and came back at 8 pm, but after that they were not seen outside.

“The bodies have been sent for post-mortem. I then called the police.. The police came and broke the lock of the apartment,” a resident close to the family said. They broke the lock and the bodies were recovered,” senior superintendent of police (SSP) Love Kumar said. Once he is found we will be able to know what happened inside the ODM machine screw machine factory apartment,” Kumar said. When I tried to call the family through the intercom, the calls went unanswered.“The woman’s husband has gone out of the city on a business tour and the elderly members of the family are in Uttarakhand,” Mr Sharma said. We are trying to trace the missing boy.The woman and the girl were beaten with a bat and stabbed with a screw- driver, he said, adding that the police have deployed a dog squad and a forensic team at the spot.

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[ ۱۶ شهريور ۱۴۰۱ ] [ ۰۳:۳۳:۴۰ ] [ ]

While we found that we had to often listen to the headphones on higher volume levels, the sound quality itself on these levels had no distortion and was pretty crisp and clean. But all that is on paper.5mm cables, a straight 1. It’s not all perfect, though.The unit also comes with two 3.There is a second coiled cable that is 3 meters long and has one reinforced end on which you can screw on a larger 1/4-inch (6. They are much larger than the average personal headphones you have seen and that’s because they’re meant to be used as studio monitors. The bass on the headphones is squeaky clean when you’re listening to bass-heavy tracks, and has no distortion. This is the cable you’ll usually use with your phone or laptop. Despite the unbalanced sound, the headphones are pretty good at doing what they’re meant to do, especially when you consider the price of Rs 5,990 on Amazon, at which these sell as of now when we write this review..35mm) adapter, which is provided in the packaging.

Design, BuildThe SM100 headphones are not just big, they’re huge.Rating: Audio brand Claw goes big with the SM100 studio-monitoring headphones. This allows for using the headphones to monitor beats when syncing together sounds, which is crucial in sound mixing. So if you’re looking to buy something to groove with on your way to class or work, you might as well invest in a product that is meant for casual use.2-meter long cable that has a microphone near to one end with three buttons for volume control and pausing/playing music. The unit has a big design with big earmuffs, big drivers and a longer optional cable.It is also noteworthy that China wood screw manufacturers Factory the headphone can pick up a wider range of frequencies, between 15Hz to 30,000Hz. These headphones are primarily oriented at amateur musicians, disk jockeys and other studio-workers who need some of the features of the Claw SM100 that an average user may not, on a budget.

The Claw SM100 is not your average everyday headphone.The earmuffs fold into the headset while also being able to swivel a full 180-degrees in a place like most monitoring headphones. They are very comfortable to wear thanks to the big, cushioned and breathable earmuffs. This is accompanied by soft cushioning throughout the headband. But in the presence of higher frequencies, the bass is easily undermined and the highs and mids take clear dominance.PerformanceThe Claw SM100 makes use of the big 50mm drivers on each of the earmuffs to produce clean and deep sound. Everything is big here except for the price which is Rs 5,990.

Wearing the headphones for even hours on end didn’t cause us the slightest discomfort. When it comes to real-life uغير مجاز مي باشدe, does the SM100 prove to be worth the money? We reviewed the unit to find out for ourselves, and the headphones didn’t let us down. These include the capturing of minute details and extreme frequencies. While the sound output has good depth, the highs and mids are pronounced significantly more than the lows. You can use this cable with a phone or your PC too if it’s the length you’re looking for, or you can connect it straight into amplifiers and other professional audio equipment.

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[ ۱۶ شهريور ۱۴۰۱ ] [ ۰۳:۲۹:۳۹ ] [ ]

Moeen Ali chipped Ashwin to Jayant at mid-on, Jonny Bairstow fell caught OEM drywall screw manufacturers behind to Jayant and Ashwin dismissed Ben Stokes for five to put India in a dominant position.Resuming on 271-6, India needed four overs to erase the 12-run first-innings deficit before their lower order batsmen led them to a substantial lead.Ashwin struck three times in the final session as England, 1-0 down in the five-match series, slumped to 78-4 at the end of third day, still 56 runs behind.

Ravindra Jadeja led India's strong lower-order batting display with a career-best 90 before spin partner Ravichandran Ashwin wrecked England's top order to put the hosts firmly in charge of the third Test on Monday.Jadeja added 80 runs with Jayant, who made 55, his maiden test fifty.The Ashwin-Jadeja stand was worth a match-high 97 runs and Jadeja went on to complete his third test fifty, celebrating with his trademark swirling of the bat, before accelerating and smacking four boundaries in one Chris Woakes over.Joe Root was unbeaten on 36 at the close with nightwatchman Gareth Batty on nought and the touring side face an uphill battle to save the match at the Punjab Cricket Association Stadium.

England opener Haseeb Hameed was struggling with a finger injury sustained in the first innings and Root opened the innings with Alastair Cook.Aggression proved his downfall, however, as Jadeja stepped out to Adil Rashid and holed out in the deep to depart after an entertaining 170-ball knock that included 10 fours and a six.Ben Stokes, who produced a lion-hearted effort with the ball to claim 5-73, earned a breakthrough when he dismissed Ashwin for 72, a composed knock including 11 fours.Cook survived two reviews but could not capitalise, Ashwin pushing a delivery through the England captain's defence to bowl him for 12..Jadeja fell agonisingly short of his maiden Test century, but shared 75-plus partnerships with Ashwin and Jayant Yadav to give India, who were all out for 417, a handy first-innings lead of 134 runs.

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[ ۲۱ مرداد ۱۴۰۱ ] [ ۰۵:۴۰:۲۶ ] [ ]

He's on top of it all, and he's terrific at it," Shweta wrote. It is as simple and as difficult as that. He is never outdated, be it the newest technological fad the Apple watch, for instance or mastering social media.. He's a thinking man's James Bond, without the braggadocio."His popularity has stood the test of time, many smear campaigns, a brief encounter with politics (which he regrets until this day), a near-fatal accident, a greying goatee, and a change of address."He educates himself with what is prevalent, and that's how he remains in touch with the times.Bachchan, 74, took to his blog to share an emotional letter penned by his daughter on his 73rd birthday, in which Shweta describes what it takes to be the "living legend" he is.

And he manages to stay relevant even today, working in an industry that is largely youth-based and capricious."."He harbours none of the disdain age has for youth: he doesn't screw up his nose to the music, art or sartorial sensibilities of the generations that have succeeded him.She went on to appreciate Bachchan's ability to gel around with the younger lot of Bollywood and self tapping screw manufacturers for sale at the same time observe and absorb their energy."Bachchan, who garnered applause for his performance in the recently released film 'Pink', will soon start working on Ram Gopal Varma's 'Sarkar 3'. His arena of work is like a gladiator's pit; it's you against the beasts, and if you manage to end the day alive then glory is yours. Shweta defines the field of acting as "gladiator's pit" and praises her father for surviving with his glory entact. He is a prolific adaptor to changing circumstances.

In fact, he's adjusted himself to find harmony in all of it. He had them enthralled, but the beauty of it was that it was he who went home having learnt the most."My father has done this for four decades.He has the discipline of his generation coupled with the ambition and energy of this one. Read the letter here.She is often asked 'What makes her father Amitabh Bachchan cool ' and Shweta Bachchan-Nanda feels it's the megastar's ability to adapt to the changing times that makes him relevant even for today's generation..The 74-year-old took to his blog to share an emotional letter penned by his daughter on his 73rd birthday."The 'Pink' star has had a dream run for more than four decades in the film industry and is still going strong.He's gone from 'Angry Young Man' to 'Living Legend,' epithets he is shy to accept even in private, even with me."After many hours of agonising over the correct answer to the question 'What makes your father COOL ' it dawns on me that there is no secret formula. I have seen him engage with a room full of young achievers one night, over dinner, at filmmaker Karan Johar's place.

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[ ۲۱ مرداد ۱۴۰۱ ] [ ۰۵:۳۶:۰۱ ] [ ]

Talk about going totally premium!The back panel of this customised phone is covered with 18K Gold and it's about 3900 Euros, or around Rs 2,62,000.The brand has various designs that provide customisations for pretty much every iPhone at the same price.Gold-plated iPhone 11 Prots over 2 Lakhs.Horoscope custom self tapping screw.If you thought the standalone price of the iPhone 11 Pro isn’t high enough, check out these customised variants of the iPhone 11 Pro by Legend Helsinki.

The brand has various designs that provide customisations for pretty much every iPhone at the same price. However, the iPhone 11 Pro has a few exclusive options available including a silver-plated one where the back is divided into 10 metal pieces held together by gold screws and featuring a pearl Apple logo.If you have extra cash to spend even after getting this finishes on your iPhone, the brand also sells 24K gold-plated AirPods in Gold, Rose Gold, or Platinum for roughly Rs 92,000.

If you have extra cash to spend even after getting this finishes on your iPhone, Legend Helsinky also sells 24K gold-plated AirPods in Gold, Rose Gold, or Platinum for roughly Rs 92,000.If those digits don’t make your jaw drop, the company even sells an ‘Emperor’ edition of the phone that contains a back made out of Jadeite, a precious stone, instead of the glass back. The gold-plating, for example, is a standard option.iPhones have a reputation for being pricey and the iPhone 11 series is no exception. This version will have a high custom pricing based on the quality of stone the user wants on their phone.

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[ ۲۲ تير ۱۴۰۱ ] [ ۰۵:۴۱:۳۹ ] [ ]
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